

Thursday, Oct 03, 2024 - Thursday, Nov 21, 2024

08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Our next Hospice Volunteer Training will be for 8 consecutive Thursdays, starting on October 3rd thru November 21st.   Classes will be from 1 pm-4pm.  Classes are held in-person.

In addition to developing an understanding of the philosophy and history of palliative & hospice care, this unique educational program prepares volunteers to deal compassionately and sensitively with end-of-life issues by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to be of service to individuals facing life limiting illness and their loved ones before, during and after the end-of-life process. Volunteers are there to hold a hand, to listen, to comfort; they may prepare a meal and help with general grooming needs. They may run errands and lend the much needed emotional support, care and guidance to their patients long before the patient qualifies for medical hospice, and provide support and respite to the care-giving family members.


Applicants must participate in all sessions.

You may register on line, click the Register/Donate button below.

 Please call Heather Toole at 805 495-2145 for more information and to get Training Location.

Event Location

Event Fees

